This is the Multiple Choice Questions in General Education as one coverage of Licensure Examinations for Teachers (LET). The exam is divided into two classifications. First is the elementary level exam which covers topics from General Education (GenEd) 40% and Professional Education (ProfEd) 60%. Secondly is the secondary level which covers GenEd 20%, ProfEd 40% and area of specialization 40%. I assume you are looking for a reviewer that will help you achieve your goal to become a professional License teacher very soon. Yes, you are in the right place to make your dream come true. Make sure to familiarize each and every questions to increase the chance of passing the Licensure Examinations for Teachers (LET).

GENERAL  EDUCATION (Elementary and Secondary) Coverage

  • English (Study and Thinking Skills, Writing in the Discipline, Speech and Oral Communication, Philippine Literature, Master Works of the World)
  • Filipino (Komunikasyon sa Akademikonh Filipino, Pagbasa at Pagsulat tungo sa Pananaliksik, Masining na Pagpapahayag)
  • Mathematics (Fundamentals of Math, Plane Geometry, elementary Algebra, Statistics and Probability)
  • Science (Biological Science - General Biology, Physical Science-with Earth Science)
  • Social Sciences (Philippine Government and New Constitution with Human Rights, Philippine History, Basic Economics, Taxation, Agrarian Reform, Society, Culture with Family Planning, Rizal and other heroes, Philosophy of Man, Arts, General Psychology, Information and Communication Technology)

Practice Exam Test Questions

Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

1. Which among the following is a non-renewable energy resource?

A. wind energy

B. solar energy

C. fossil fuel

D. geothermal energy


Option C

2. Which element is not recycled throughout an ecosystem by the process of photosynthesis and respiration?

A. carbon

B. nitrogen

C. oxygen

D. hydrogen


Option B

3. The gas that is most abundant in the air is

A. oxygen

B. nitrogen

C. carbon dioxide

D. argon


Option B

4. The greatest source of indoor pollutant is

A. smog

B. radon

C. radon

D. sunlight


Option B

5. All of the following are probable consequences of water related environmental problems except

A. diarrhea

B. amoebiasis

C. typhoid fever

D. respiratory tack


Option D

6. Overdraft is an overuse of groundwater, which makes the reservoirs of groundwater emptied and very seldom replenished especially during the summer months. Which among the following environmental problems related to soil is the probable consequence of overdraft?

A. soil pollution

B. land subsidence

C. soil erosion

D. deforestation


Option B

7. Plant nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates, which come from fertilizers and detergent, can cause algal bloom. What do you call the phenomenon on which a body of water which contains high concentrations of chemical elements required for life makes the produces bloom by directly nourishing most bacteria than aquatic organisms like fishes?

A. euthrophication

B. biomagnification

C. soil water intrusion

D. all of the above


Option A

8. Which of the following best describes a non-metal?

A. They are ductile and malleable

B. They have high tensile strength

C. They are good insulators

D. They are hard and brittle


Option C

9. Which is an example of a heterogeneous mixture?

A. Distilled water

B. Rubbing alcohol

C. Agua oxinada

D. Concrete


Option D

10. Which of the following phase changes are exothermic?

A. Sublimation and melting

B. Evaporation and condensation

C. Condensation and freezing

D. Evaporation and deposition


Option C

11. Which grouping is composed of pure substances only?

A. Fog, dew, brine

B. -

C. -

D. ice, table salt, fog


Option B

12.Which of the following best describes a mixture?

A. It is homogeneous

B. It has a definite composition

C. It changes the colors of common

D. Its components are combined in any proportion


Option D

13. The state of matter that is characterized by strong attractive forces.

A. solid

B. liquid

C. gas

D. plasma


Option D

14. The components of ink can best be separated using

A. Evaporation

B. Filtration

C. Centrifugation

D. Chromatography


Option B

15. All of the following are chemical properties except

A. toxicity

B. corrosiveness

C. solubility

D. flammability


Option C

116. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Light has mass

B. Air has volume

C. Heat occupies space

D. Sound has both mass and volume


Option B

17. Which of the following is an intensive physical property?

A. mass

B. volume

C. color

D. length


Option C

18.When a pure crystalline yellowish substance is heated in vacuum, a greenish gas and a red powdery substance were produced. In which of the following will you classify the yellowish substance?

A. Element

B. Compound

C. Mixture

D. Pure substance


Option B

19. Isotopes are atoms that have the same atomic number but different mass numbers. It means also that isotopes are atoms that have

A. the same number of electrons but different number of protons

B. the same number of neutrons but different number of electrons

C. the same number of protons but different number of neutrons

D. the same number of protons but different number of electrons


Option C

20. This electrically neutral particle was discovered by Chadwick in 1932 with its mass slightly greater than that of proton?

A. electron

B. neutron

C. positron

D. neutrino


Option B

21. The spoilage of meat is delayed when kept in a refrigerator because the cold temperature

A. keeps the flies/ insects away

B. slows down the action of bacteria

C. changes the color and odor of meat

D. turns the water component of meat to ice


Option B

22. During chemical changes or chemical reactions, which particles are gained, lost, or shared?

A. protons inside the nucleus

B. neutrons inside the nucleus

C. electrons in the outermost energy level

D. electrons in the innermost energy level


Option C

23. Which of the following radiation has the highest penetrating power?

A. alpha

B. beta

C. gamma

D. none of these


Option C

24. Which of the following statements explains why we feel cool after perspiring?

A. vapor in the air condenses in our skin

B. water coming out of our body is cold

C. pores in our skin allow cool air to enter

D. evaporating water in our skin produces a cooling effect


Option D

25. What is the most practical way to control pollution?

A. decreasing the population

B. more government control of industry

C. careful planning of environmental usage

D. slowing the rate of technological growth


Option C

26. Humans can cause rapid changes in the environment, sometimes producing catastrophic events. Which statement below is the best example of this concept?

A. lightning causes forest fire

B. shifting crustal plates cause an earthquake

C. changing seasonal winds cause flooding in an area

D. mountainside highway construction causes a landslide


Option D

27. How are latitude and longitude lines drawn?

A. latitude lines are parallel and longitude lines meet at the poles

B. latitude lines are parallel and longitude lines meet at the equator

C. longitude lines are parallel and latitude lines meet at the poles

D. longitude lines are parallel and latitude lines meet at the equator


Option A

28. The water part of the earth is also known as

A. lithosphere

B. hydrosphere

C. atmosphere

D. biosphere


Option B

29. The vibration of the earth's surface due to the release of storad energy when the deformed rock ruptures or returns to its original size and shape?

A. earthquake

B. tsunami

C. faulting

D. folding


Option A

30. What happens to a given mass of fluid if heat flow into it?

A. It becomes denser

B. It becomes less dense

C. it becomes colder

D. It becomes heavier


Option B

31. What happens when air is heated?

A. It expands and it rises

B. It expands and sinks

C. It contracts and rises

D. It contracts and sinks


Option A

32. What do you call the phenomenon wherein there is a marked increase in the earth's surface temperature associated with radiation being trapped by its atmosphere?

A. Global warming

B. Greenhouse effect

C. El Niño

D. La Niña


Option A

33. In the water cycle, which process is responsible for getting water into the atmosphere?

A. Condensation

B. Evaporation

C. Sublimation

D. Melting


Option B

34. In majority of stars, the most common element is

A. oxygen

B. hydrogen

C. helium

D. nitrogen


Option B

35. The color of the hottest star is

A. red

B. blue

C. yellow

D. bluish white


Option D

36. If you want to cook boiled eggs while in the mountains you should

A. use hotter flame

B. boil the eggs for a longer time

C. boil the eggs for a shorter time

D. not boil the eggs, because the water temperature won't get hot enough to cook them


Option B

37. metal lid could not be unscrewed from its glass jar. Which of the following is the best way to unscrew it from the jar?

A. Invert the jar with the lid in a very hot water for a few seconds

B. Invert the jar with the lid in a very cold water for a few seconds

C. Invert the jar with the lid in cold and then in hot water for a few seconds

D. Invert the jar with the lid in hot and then in cold water for a few seconds


Option A

38. It refers to the temperature at which the molecules have the lowest possible kinetic energy

A. absolute zero

B. melting point

C. boiling point

D. freezing point


Option A

39. Why does apiece of metal feel colder than a piece of wood at the same temperature

A. metal is colder than wood

B. metals allow heat to flow through them easily

C. metals have higher specific heat than wood

D. none of the above


Option B

40. What accounts for the cooling effect inside the refrigerator?

A. the refrigerator is properly insulated

B. vaporization of the refrigeration fluid

C. compression of the refrigerant into liquid

D. the motor converts electrical energy into thermal energy


Option B

41. What do you call animals that feed on both plant and meat?

A. herbivores

B. carnivores

C. omnivores

D. insectivores


Option A

42. After drinking dirty water, a student developed bloody diarrhea and liver problems in a few weeks later. Which of the following is the most likely cause of the disease?

A. Paramecium

B. Dinoflagellates

C. Amoeba

D. Euglena


Option C

43. Chemical produced by some bacteria that can kill or weaken other bacteria

A. antitoxins

B. antibodies

C. antibiotics

D. antiseptic


Option C

44. When light travels from water to air, what happens to its speed?

A. It increases

B. It decreases

C. It remains the same

D. None of the above


Option A

45. In which medium can sound travel the fastest?

A. wood

B. water

C. air

D. metals


Option D

46. The sound produced by a piano differs from that of the violin even if both sounds have the same pitch and loudness because of

A. frequency

B. intensity

C. overtones

D. amplitude


Option C

47. What do you call type of mixture that scatters light passing through it?

A. solution

B. colloid

C. suspension

D. all of the above


Option B

48. Fleming is a scientist made famous due to his fortunate accidental discovery of penicillin. This is an example of

A. scientific destiny

B. serendipity

C. medical truth

D. hard work


Option B

49. Why is water considered a universal solvent?

A. It has a high density

B. It has a high specific heat

C. It dissolves polar and non — polar substances

D. It dissolve both polar and ionic substance


Option D

50. The study of matter with focus on motion, forces and energy?

A. physics

B. chemistry

C. biology

D. earth science


Option A