Arts 7 Quarter 2 Examination Reviewer Part 1

Arts 7 Quarter 2 Examination Reviewer Part 1
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Welcome to the comprehensive second-quarter multiple-choice examination reviewer designed to sharpen the skills and knowledge of students across grades 7 to 10. This meticulously crafted resource aims to provide a thorough understanding of the diverse subjects covered during this quarter.

This reviewer encompasses a wide array of subjects and topics that are fundamental to each grade level's curriculum. From the foundational concepts in mathematics to the intricacies of language arts, sciences, and social studies, this resource aims to aid students in reinforcing their understanding and mastering the essential concepts.

Arts 7 Quarter 2 Examination Reviewer Part 1
Arts 7 Quarter 2 Examination Reviewer Part 1

Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

1. What region in the Philippines can we locate MIMAROPA?

A .Eastern Tagalog

B. Northern Tagalog

C. Southern Tagalog

D. Western Tagalog


Option C

2. Seven native groups are living in Mindoro. Collectively, what do they call for themselves?

A. Hanunuo

B. Iraya- Mangyan

C. Mangyans

D. Many Man


Option C

3. How many provinces combined to form MIMAROPA?

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

D. 6


Option B

4. What is the poetic art form in Mindoro having seven syllables?

A. ambahan

B. Morion

C. samahan

D. urukay


Option A

5.What province in MIMAROPA known as the country’s last frontiers?

A. Mariduque

B. Mindoro

C. Palawan

D. Romblon


Option C

6. What principle of arts that have a close relationship of one part to another concerning size?

A. proportion

B. rhythm

C. unity

D. variety


Option A

7. This art principle has a regular repetition of an element to produce the look and feels movements?

A. contrast

B. proportion

C. rhythm

D. unity


Option C

8. What is the other identity of the Romblon plants used as weaving material in making a basket?

A. palm tree

B. plant

C. plastic

D. wood


Option B

9. What design does make the Tingkop basket stand out?

A. Blakened bamboo

B. Cone shape

C. Geometric figure

D. Under-over pattern


Option D

10. How many months does it take to have a 10-meter Piña cloth?

A. 1 month

B. 2 months

C. 3 months

D. 5 months


Option B

11. What do you call a wrap-around piece of cloth worn as skirt?

A. Malong

B. Patadyong

C. Piña cloth

D. Saya


Option B

12. Which of the following intricate patterns and design does not belong to Iraya Mangyans basket?

A. animals

B. human

C. trees

D. wind


Option D

13. What Festival shows native warriors with tattooed bodies?

A. Ati-atihan Festival

B. Masskara Festival

C. Pintados Festival

D. Tuna Festival


Option C

14. What is the meaning of Mass in “Masskara” Festival?

A. crowd

B. face

C. fiesta

D. gathering


Option A

15. Where can we find Manunggul Jar?

A. Aklan

B. Ilo-ilo

C. Negros Occidental

D. Palawan


Option D

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