Professional Education Practice Quiz| Volume 2 Part 5

Professional Education Practice Quiz| Volume 2 Part 5
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Professional Education Practice Quiz| Volume 2 Part 5

This is the Multiple Choice Questions in Professional Education volume 2 part 5 as one coverage of Licensure Examinations for Teachers (LET). The exam is divided into two classifications. First is the elementary level exam which covers topics from General Education (GenEd) 40% and Professional Education (ProfEd) 60%. Secondly is the secondary level which covers GenEd 20%, ProfEd 40% and area of specialization 40%. I assume you are looking for a reviewer that will help you achieve your goal to become a professional License teacher very soon. Yes, you are in the right place to make your dream come true. Make sure to familiarize each and every questions to increase the chance of passing the Licensure Examinations for Teachers (LET).

PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION (Elementary and Secondary) Coverage

  • Teaching Profession, Social Dimensions of Education
  • Principles of Teaching, Educational Technology, Curriculum Development
  • Facilitating Learning, Child and Adolescent Development
  • Assessment of Student Learning, Developmental Reading
  • Field Study, Practice Teaching

Practice Exam Test Questions

Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

1. In which phase/s of the lesson would a teacher know if the student learned what was intended for him to learn?

A. Comparison and Association

B. Generalization and application

C. Association and generalization

D. Application and evaluation


Option D


Herbartian Approach: John Fedrick Herbert (1776-1841)

📍1. Preparation/Instruction: It pertains to preparing and motivating children to the lesson content by linking it to the previous knowledge of the student, by arousing curiosity of the children and by making an appeal to their senses. This prepares the child's mind to receive new knowledge. "To know where the pupils are and where they should try to be are the two essentials of good teaching." Lessons may be started in the following manner: a. Two or three interesting but relevant questions b. Showing a picture/s, a chart or a model c. A situation Statement of Aim: Announcement of the focus of the lesson in a clear, concise statement such as "Today, we shall study the..."

📍2. Presentation/Development: The actual lesson commences here. This step should involve a good deal of activity on the part of the students. The teacher will take the aid of various devices, e.g., questions, illustrations, explanation, expositions, demonstration and sensory aids, etc. Information and knowledge can be given, explained, revealed or suggested. The following principles should be kept in mind. a. Principle of selection and division: This subject matter should be divided into different sections. The teacher should also decide as to how much he is to tell and how much the pupils are to find out for themselves. b. Principle of successive sequence: The teacher should ensure that the succeeding as well as preceding knowledge is clear to the students. c. Principle of absorption and integration: In the end separation of the parts must be followed by their combination to promote understanding of the whole.

📍3. Association comparison: It is always desirable that new ideas or knowledge be associated to daily life situations by citing suitable examples and by drawing comparisons with the related concepts. This step is important when we are establishing principles or generalizing definitions.

📍4. Generalizing: This concept is concerned with the systematizing of the knowledge learned. Comparison and contrast lead to generalization. An effort should be made to ensure that students draw the conclusions themselves. It should result in student's own thinking, reflection and experience.

📍5. Application: It requires a good deal of mental activity to think and apply the principles learn to new situations. Knowledge, when it is put to use and verified, becomes clear and a part of the student's mental make-up.

📍6. Recapitulation/ Evaluation: Last step of the lesson plan, the teacher tries to ascertain whether the students have understood or grasped the subject matter or not. This is used for assessing/evaluating the effectiveness of the lesson by asking students questions on the contents of the lesson or by giving short objectives to test the

student's level of understanding; for example, to label different parts on a diagram, etc.

2. In a backward design approach to curriculum and lesson planning, which comes ahead?

A. Identifying results desired

B. Determining acceptable level of evidence that the intended results were realized

C. Designing activities that will make desired results happen

D. Clarifying content


Option A


1. Identify the results desired (big ideas and skills)

  • What should the students know, understand, and be able to do?
  • Consider the goals and curriculum expectations
  • Focus on the "big ideas" (principles, theories, concepts, point of views, or themes) 

2. Determine acceptable levels of evidence that support that the desired results have occurred (culminating assessment tasks)

  • What will teachers accept as evidence that student understanding took place?
  • Consider culminating assessment tasks and a range of assessment methods (observations, tests, projects, etc.) 

3. Design activities that will make desired results happen (learning events)

  • What knowledge and skills will students need to achieve the desired results?
  • Consider teaching methods, sequence of lessons, and resource materials

3. In Understanding by Design (UbD), does developing instructional plan come right after identifying desired results?

A. Yes

B. No

C. It’s the choice of the teacher applying Ubd

D. Yes, provided the instructional plan includes an evaluation report


Option B

4. Why does Ubd insists on identifying assessment evidence right after identifying desired learning results?

A. Teaching is faster that way

B. Teaching-learning is more interesting

C. Teaching-learning becomes more focused and organized

D. It leads to a more comprehensive understanding of content


Option C

5. Teacher has been constructivist in his approach to lesson planning. What must be the features of his lessons? 

I. Students are engaged in learning 

II. Students guide their own learning and meaning-making

III. Students keep the learning to themselves

IV. Students are not encouraged to share their thoughts about a new concept for that calls for much time

A. I and III

B. II and IV

C. I and II

D. III and IV


Option C


One of the primary goals of using constructivist teaching is that students learn how to learn by giving them the training to take initiative for their own learning experiences.

  • According to Audrey Gray, the characteristics of a constructivist classroom are as follows:
  • the learners are actively involved
  • the environment is democratic
  • the activities are interactive and student-centered
  • the teacher facilitates a process of learning in which students are encouraged to be
  • responsible and autonomous

6. Which holds true of a constructivists lesson planning approach?

A. Students building their own understanding

B. Students not encouraged to venture into sharing thought when not sure

C. Raising questions when lesson is not clear since students should research on their own

D. Students doing all the teaching-learning process in the presence of a teacher


Option A

7. In a constructivists lesson planning approach, which is UNACCEPTABLE?

A. Learners are helped to construct understanding based on what they already know

B. Learners confront their understanding in the light of new learning

C. Learners accommodate change in their understanding as a result of new understanding

D. Learners accept blindly what teacher teachers because she is an authority on the subject


Option D


Answer is D. In a constructivist classroom, teachers act as facilitators or guide on the side and not as a sage on the stage. There is active learning and students are not passive learners.

8. If curriculum is planned following the behavioral approach, which sequence is correct?

I. Ends with implementing the planned curriculum 

II. Starts with the setting of objectives and goals 

III. Learning outcomes are evaluated along goals and objectives set at the start 

IV. Change in behavior indicates the measure of the accomplishments

A. I and II

B. II and III

C. II and IV

D. II, III and IV


Option D


Behavioural Approach: It is based on the Behavioural Principle, goals and objectives are specified, content and activities are also arranged with learning objectives. Learning outcomes are evaluated in terms of goals and objectives set of beginning. Its main aim is to achieve efficiency. CHANGE IN BEHAVIOUR indicates the measure of the accomplishment.

9. If curriculum is planned following the humanistic approach, which feature applies?

A. Very child-centered

B. Excludes the hidden curriculum

C. Downplays the significance of the informal curriculum

D. Emphasizes on the child’s cognitive development


Option A


Humanistic Approach: It is rooted in the progressive philosophy and follows the child centred movements. It considers the formal or planned curriculum and the informal or hidden curriculum. It considers the whole child and believes that in curriculum the total development of the individual is the prime consideration.

10. A humanistic approach to curriculum planning has the following features, EXCEPT ________

A. Recognizes the significance of the hidden and informal curriculum

B. Very progressivist because it is child-centered

C. Subject matter is not necessary in curriculum planning

D. Emphasizes on the child’s holistic development


Option C

11. When the school applies the systems approach to curriculum planning, what is expected?

A. The parts of the school system are considered in terms of how they relate to each other

B. Curriculum, instruction and evaluation are the only things that matter in curriculum planning

C. The school’s external environment is not taken into consideration

D. Only the internal stakeholders are consulted for curriculum planning purposes


Option A


System Approach: The whole system is approached by system theory. The whole approach represents line-staff relationship of personnel and represent the way, how the decisions are made. It gives the equal importance to all levels: 1. Administration 2. Counselling 3. Curriculum 4. Instruction 5. Evaluation.

12. In a systems approach to curriculum planning, should external stakeholders be a part?

A. No, they are not curricularists

B. Yes, they are part of the school system

C. Yes, if they are willing

D. That depends on the educational attainment of the external stakeholders


Option B

13. When one wants children to develop positive attitude toward life and life problems, which approach in curriculum planning is most appropriate?

A. Problem-centered approach

B. Humanistic approach

C. Systems approach

D. Child-centered approach


Option A


This is the main concept behind project and problem-based learning and is central to twenty-first century pedagogy. With project and problem-based learning, students learn by designing and constructing actual solutions to real-life problems (Cornell University, 2014a).

Research also found that learners who struggle with traditional textbook-and-lecture methods benefited from a project learning approach which was better matched to their learning styles or preferences for working in groups (p. 111). Other comparative studies documented a variety of benefits of project and problem-based learning, such as increased ability to define problems, improved ability to reason using clear arguments and better planning of complex projects. Improvements in motivation, attitudes toward learning and work habits were also found

14. E-learning may either be synchronous or asynchronous? Which applies to synchronous learning?

A. It is self-paced

B. Participants engage in exchange of ideas or information without being dependent on other participant

C. All participants interact at the same time

D. It uses technologies such as email, blogs and wikipedias


Option C


Synchronous learning refers to a learning event in which a group of students are engaging in learning at the same time. Before learning technology allowed for synchronous learning environments, most online education took place through asynchronous learning methods.

15. Which applies to asynchronous learning?

A. It is beneficial to students with health representatives

B. It is all participants interact at the same time

C. It is self-paced

D. It occurs in real time


Option C


Asynchronous learning is self-paced, accommodates a busy schedule, allows people to learn at their own pace, provides consistent instruction to very large audience sizes, and is available for review.

16. Teacher Mila’s lesson is on the human digestive system. Which is closest to direct purposeful experience?

A. Drawing of the human digestive system

B. Video of the human digestive system

C. Model of the human digestive system

D. Diagram of the human digestive system


Option C

17. Mr. Ruiz wants to use video presentation to show how seed germination takes place. However, he cannot because he teaches in a far flung school without electricity. What is/are the most concrete way/s of showing the process of seed germination?

I. Write notes on the board

 II. Use drawing of the stages of seed determination

III. Describe how germination takes place

A. II only

B. II and III

C. I only

D. III only


Option A

18. Mrs. Raquel believes in the benefits and importance of using instructional aids to facilitate student learning. Which must she primarily consider when choosing instructional aids for her class?

A. Must induce the element of surprise

B. Must be suited to the lesson objective

C. Must encourage and sustain student interest

D. Must be original and appropriate to the context


Option A

19. Mr. De Castro is planning to integrate technology in his English class. Which of the following would be the logical steps in doing this?

I. Set the objectives

II. Analyze the learners

III. Utilize the materials with showmanship

IV. Evaluate the performance of the students






Option B


Based on the ASSURE Model.

20. Mrs. Rosario, a Science teacher, would like to make a slide presentation for her lesson on the parts of the cell. Which among the tools should she use to make his presentation effective?

A. Situating tool

B. Communicative tool

C. Informative tool

D. Productivity tool


Option D


 Basic Productivity Tools

Basic productivity tools are computer software programs which allow a user to create specific items quickly and easily as opposed to creating the same items by hand. We learned about three specific productivity tools: 

Word Processing. Word Processing is a software program that creates documents using text and/or graphics. An example would be Microsoft Word. Spreadsheets. 

Spreadsheets quickly organize numerical information and allows the creator to input formulas into the spreadsheet for easy calculation. An example would be Microsoft Excel.

 Databases. Databases allow the user to save collections of information in one easily accessible place. This allows the user to find information about a specific topic much faster versus searching the internet. An example of a database would be Galileo. 

Microsoft Office is a common productivity software package which includes Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Pages is the Mac productivity tool equivalent to Microsoft word. Productivity tools are used all over the world by lots of different people for many reasons. Accountants use Excel to create ledgers, teachers use Word to create tests, and Marketers use PowerPoint for presentations and slide shows.

21. Mr. Alejandro is planning to select and evaluate the content of an educational technology tool that he will use in his English class. Which of the following questions should he consider the least?

A. Does it match with the content?

B. Will it encourage and sustain interest?

C. Is there a manifestation of its efficiency?

D. Can it be easily dismantled and handled?


Option D


Obviously it should be the least of the concerns of the teacher.

22. The following are general rules in creating powerpoint presentations, Except what?

A. Use graphics and illustrations to reinforce ideas

B. Use animations extensively to catch the students’ attention

C. Use bold and italics for emphasis, but don’t overuse them

D. Use color, audio and music to stimulate but not to overpower the senses


Option B


Use transitions and animations sparingly, and only to add meaning to your slides. Often people add transitions “for fun” and end up just distracting people’s attention. Done well, animations can show relationships between concepts and help support your audience’s attention on your ideas.

23. Teacher Mary wants to develop the higher order thinking skills among the learners; therefore, she must incorporate what skills?

A. Using structural analysis

B. Classifying and organizing facts

C. Using phonetic analysis

D. Recognizing basic sight words


Option B


It is based on Grace Godells Reading Skills Ladder. Classifying and organizing facts is the highest of the other choices. Take note of this because this also appeared in the September 2016 LET exam.

24. While letting her pupils read on the blackboard, Mrs. Reyes, a Grade 1 teacher uses a piece of illustration board to cover the succeeding lines of a passage so that the children focus only on the line being read and then uncovers the next line once they are through reading the first line. Which accurate eye movement does the teacher try to develop?

A. Fixation

B. Regression

C. Return sweep

D. Interfixation


Option C


Fixation is the vertical mark when the eyes stop and the film continues to move. Good readers have fewer fixations than poor readers.

25. How do you write on the chalkboard while busy discussing your lesson in front of the class?

A. Face the board while writing and talking

B. Right side view as you talk

C. Face the class while writing and discussing

D. Pause and write on the board


Option B


Your students should have a clear, uninterrupted view of the board. Be careful that you don't block learners sitting at the sides of the room. When you write something on the board move away quickly so that students can see what you have.

26. In preparing instructional materials, which kind of graphics is effective on computer screens?

A. Graphics with blinking effects

B. Graphics with complicated designs

C. Simple graphics with corresponding text

D. Graphics with light colors


Option C


People learn more deeply from words and graphics than from words alone. This assertion can be called the multimedia principle, and it forms the basis for using multimedia instruction—that is, instruction containing words (such as spoken text or printed text) and graphics (such as illustrations, charts, photos, animation, or video) that is intended to foster learning (Mayer, 2009).

27. Which combination promotes legibility on projected materials?

A. Light letters against dark background

B. Dark letters against light background

C. Light letters against light background

D. Dark letters against dark background


Option B

28. What kind of stimuli would help increase the probability that the learner will remember and can produce what was presented in the instructional materials utilized in the classroom?

A. Pleasing and simple designs

B. Designs with crude details

C. Designs with complex ideas

D. Designs with rainbow colors


Option A

29. Which is the main reason for living a silent space around the edge of a chart?

A. Aesthetic purposes

B. To increase readability

C. To emphasize the content

D. It is a rule


Option B


Empty space on the slide will enhance readability.

30. What is the main purpose of using audio-visual aids in teaching?

A. To improve the understanding of learners

B. learners b.

C. To promote the participation of learners

D. To get the interest and hold the attention of the learners Answer


Option D


A.V.Aids arouses interest and motivates students to learn

31. Which part of the screen of the computer has a strong influence among learners?

A. Left half of the screen

B. Right half of the screen

C. Center of the screen

D. Corners of the screen


Option A


Research in both page design and screen design generally concurs that the left half of the screen or page has a strong influence on reader attention (Duin, 1988; Niekamp, 1981). Left placement has also been found to speed retrieval and improve readability (Hartley and Burnhill, 1976). It would make sense, therefore, to place an adviser (of whatever modality) on the left side of the screen to maximise its effectiveness. At the same time, most researchers and interface designers agree that a computer screen should be less crowded than even its printed counterpart.

32. Learners learn better when all of their senses are involved. Which activity is classified under direct purposeful experience?

A. Tracing places on a map

B. Setting the table

C. choice

D. choice


Option B



33. Which is the purpose of music in a media presentation?

A. Provides continuity

B. Gives a good background

C. To keep the learners alert

D. To avoid boredom


Option A

34. To increase the readability of printed media, what kind of letters should be used in long statements or paragraphs?

A. Uppercase letters

B. Lowercase letters

C. Toggle case letters

D. Combination of upper and lower case letters


Option D


Studies have been conducted on the readability and legibility of all caps text. Scientific testing from the 20th century onwards has generally indicated that all caps text is less legible and readable than lower-case text. So it must be a combination.

35. A fourth grade teacher wanted to show the parts of the heart using a large rubber visual material with all the different parts inside as a heart actually looks. Under which category is this visual aid classified?

A. Realia

B. Mock-up

C. Model

D. Picture


Option C


Answer is C. A model should be used to give the pupil the concept of the whole object as it actually appears. A mock up, however, does not present to the pupil the actual appearance of the object itself. It is usually “laid out” in a board with each part labelled. It re-arranges the parts, disregards their relative size and emphasizes certain functional relationships instead of being a faithful reproduction of the object as in a model. Models are essentially imitations of the real objects in as many respects as possible except in size.

36. What does a teacher use to show the functioning of a part of a whole?

A. Model

B. Drawing

C. Mock-up

D. Realia


Option C


A mock-up is an unscaled replica designed to simplify and clarify the workings of the object. The mock-up, which may be larger or smaller than the real thing, is generally constructed to show the "essential" parts and their functional relationship.

 37. Clutter is the enemy of comprehension. How is this applied in PowerPoint presentation? 

I. Have a clear space 

II. Keep the number of words to the minimum 

III. Use large fonts and headlines

IV. Use bullets not words

A. I and II

B. I, II and IV

C. II and III

D. I, II and III


Option C


Clutter is the enemy of comprehension. Aside from strong use of images, keep the number of words to the bare minimum. The more your audience is reading the screen, the less it is listening to you. Use large fonts and headlines and don’t be afraid of clear space. Any detailed text that your audience needs to have, put it in a handout.

38. Teacher B wants to make use of simulated life condition suitable for animals and plants living on land. Which does she use?

A. Terrarium

B. Model

C. Aquarium

D. Poster


Option A


A terrarium (plural: terraria or terrariums) is usually a sealable glass container containing soil and plants, and can be opened for maintenance to access the plants inside.

39. KISS (Keep it Straight and Simple) rule should apply in preparing PowerPoint presentation. How is this principle observed? 

I. Keywords only 

II. No sentences 

III. Never read your slides. Talk freely

IV. If you use sentences, end with a period

A. I and II

B. II and III

C. II and IV

D. I, II and III


Option D

40. Images are key elements of a PowerPoint presentation. However, which should be your reason for not using them?

A. Images to reinforce or complement your message

B. More images than text in your slide

C. Use images to decorate

D. Use images to visualize and explain


Option B

41. If one wants to make use of animation in his Powerpoint presentation, which one/s should be remember? 

I. Make use of good animation to improve understanding 

II. Use animation sparingly

 III. Use animations to make the message stick with your audience

A. I only

B. II and III

C. III only

D. I, II and III


Option D


Use transitions and animations sparingly, and only to add meaning to your slides. Often people add transitions “for fun” and end up just distracting people’s attention. Done well, animations can show relationships between concepts and help support your audience’s attention on your ideas.

42. Teacher John wants to lecture with the help of powerpoint presentation. For effectiveness, which should he consider? 

I. Audience 

II. The intended outcome of his lecture 

III. Principles of powerpoint presentation

IV. Time of presentation (early morning or early afternoon)

A. III and IV

B. I, II and III

C. I and III

D. I, II, III and IV


Option B

43. What does the 6-6 principle in PowerPoint presentation mean? 

I. 6 lines or less

II. 6 words only

III. 6 lines only 

IV. 6 words only or less



C. II and III

D. I and IV


Option D


This presentation rule suggests that you should include no more than six words per line and no more than six bullet points per slide.

44. Which principles should be observed to get the most out of games in the classroom? 

I. Clarify intended learning outcome with the use of the game

II. By all means emphasize winning so there is excitement

III. Do always with rewards and prizes 

IV. Motivate students to accept failure to succeed

A. I and IV

B. IV only

C. I only

D. III and IV


Option A


The students must understand the learning outcome and the acceptance of failure because there is essential learning in failures.

45. The more senses that are involved, the better the learning. What does this imply?

A. Use visual aids

B. Use audio aids

C. Use audio-visual aids

D. Use multi-sensory aids


Option D


Using a multisensory teaching technique means helping a child to learn through more than one sense. A multi-sensory approach, “also known as VAKT (visual-auditory-kinesthetictactile) implies that students learn best when information is presented in different modalities (Mercer & Mercer, 1993)”. The belief is that students learn a new concept best when it is taught using the four modalities. A multi-sensory approach is one that integrates sensory activities. The students see, hear, and touch.

46. Which does Edgar Dale advocate about his Cone of Experience?

A. Stick to one learning material one at a time

B. If direct experience is not applicable, make use of verbal symbol as substitute

C. Begin your lesson by using concrete experience then bring the students to the level of abstract

D. Don’t commit the error of using two or more learning materials for one lesson


Option C


Essentially, the Cone shows the progression of experiences from the most concrete (at the bottom of the cone) to the most abstract.

 47. In using video for teaching, which activity/ies are a “No-No” to enhance the effectiveness of its use?

 I. Keep lights off

II. In between, stop the video and ask stimulating questions for discussion

III. Leave the students to watch the video by themselves

IV. Watch the video with your students



C. I and III

D. I and II


Option C


Students must not be left all by themselves. Remember teachers are facilitators and must be guides on the side. Lights must not be turned off too.

48. To ensure effective use of video in the classroom, which appropriate sequence should teachers observe? 

I. See to it that lights are on during viewing 

II. Provide a focus for interaction 

III. Preview program to determine sustainability 

IV. Conduct introductory and culminating activities

A. I, II, III and IV

B. II, III and IV

C. I and II

D. I, II and III


Option A


Don't leave your audience in the dark.

Description: Teaching and learning should not occur in the dark. Don't turn off the lights during instruction. This does not encourage interactivity and engagement, but instead it makes some people rather sleepy. Additionally, it's difficult to have eye contact and see student reactions in the dark.

Solution: Leave the lights on. In most rooms you can still generally see projected items with the light on. If your room has multiple light switches, just shut off the front lights. If you have windows, close the blinds in the part of the room where you are projecting. If it's really difficult to see with the lights on, get a few lamps for your classroom. Not only will this accomplish the goal, it will add a nice atmosphere to the room.

Advantage: Your students will be more alert, engaged, and likely to participate in the lesson. Teachers can see their students and their students can see one another.

 49. For maximum learning, Teacher wants to introduce extension activities after video viewing. Which are examples of extension activities? 

I. Viewing a second film 

II. Creative writing 

III. Long-term projects 

IV. Video-production

A. I and III

B. I, II and III

C. III and IV

D. I, II, III, and IV


Option D

50. A cluttered chalkboard may confuse your students. Which teacher’s action should follow this thought?

A. Write every word

B. Don’t write too much

C. Avoid writing, if you can

D. Use the board only for illustration and drawing purposes


Option B


Write only the important and necessary terms.

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