The Four Pillars of Education Key Points

The Four Pillars of Education are the means by which a society develops knowledge, skills, and values.
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 According to UNESCO the four pillars of learning are the fundamental principles for reshaping education.



  • Focuses on combining broad gen. knowledge and basic educ. with the opportunity to work on a small number of subjects in the light of rapid changes brought about by scientific progress ang new forms of economic and social acitivity.
  • Learning how to learn and to discover, as to benefit from ongoing educational opportunities continuously arising throughout life.
  • Developing the faculties of memory, imagination, reasoning and problem solving.
  • Understanding about one's environment.
  • Communicating with others.


  • Emphasizes on the learning of skills necessary to practice a profession or trade.
  • Applying in practice what has been learned.
  • Developing vocational / occupational and technical skills.
  • Developing social skills in building meaningful interpersonal relationships.
  • Developing competence, social behavior, aptitude for teamwork.
  • Enhancing the ability to communicate and work with others.
  • Managing and resolving conflicts.


  • Prioritizes the development of the human potential to the fullest.
  • Tapping the talents hidden with individual.
  • Developing personal commitment and responsibilty for the common good.


  • Emphasizes understanding of others, their history, tradition and cultures, and also living and interacting peacefully together.
  • Appreciating diversity of human race
  • Being receptive to others and encounter others through dialogue and debate.
  • Caring about others
  • Working toward common objectives in cooperative undertakings.
  • Managing and resolving conflicts.

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