This is the Multiple Choice Questions in Professional Education part 1 as one coverage of Licensure Examinations for Teachers (LET). The exam is divided into two classifications. First is the elementary level exam which covers topics from General Education (GenEd) 40% and Professional Education (ProfEd) 60%. Secondly is the secondary level which covers GenEd 20%, ProfEd 40% and area of specialization 40%. I assume you are looking for a reviewer that will help you achieve your goal to become a professional License teacher very soon. Yes, you are in the right place to make your dream come true. Make sure to familiarize each and every questions to increase the chance of passing the Licensure Examinations for Teachers (LET).

PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION (Elementary and Secondary) Coverage

  • Teaching Profession, Social Dimensions of Education
  • Principles of Teaching, Educational Technology, Curriculum Development
  • Facilitating Learning, Child and Adolescent Development
  • Assessment of Student Learning, Developmental Reading
  • Field Study, Practice Teaching

Practice Exam Test Questions

Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

1. Which of the following are complementary angles?

A. 90° and 90°

B. 18° and 18°

C. 71° and 19°

D. 15° and 30°


Option C


Complementary angles are two angles whose sum equals 90°. In option A, both angles are already 90°, so they cannot be complementary. In option B, both angles are the same, so their sum would be 36°, which is not equal to 90°.

In option C, their sum equals 90°, which means they are complementary angles. Therefore, the answer is option C, 71° and 19°.

2. If the angles of a triangle are in the ratio 4:6:5, then the triangle is _________.

A. isosceles

B. acute

C. right

D. obtuse


Option D


 The correct answer is D. Obtuse.

Let the angles of the triangle be 4x, 6x, and 5x, where x is a positive constant.

According to the triangle angle sum theorem, the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180°. Therefore, we can write:

4x + 6x + 5x = 180°

15x = 180°

x = 12°

Substituting x = 12° in the expressions for the angles, we get:

4x = 48°

6x = 72°

5x = 60°

So, the angles of the triangle are 48°, 72°, and 60°.

To determine whether the triangle is acute, right, or obtuse, we can use the Pythagorean theorem or the cosine rule.

Using the cosine rule, we have:

c^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2ab cos(C)

c = 72

Since 72 is the largest side of the triangle, it is opposite the largest angle, which is 72°. Therefore, the triangle is obtuse.

Hence, the correct answer is option D, obtuse.

3. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 10 and one leg is 6. What is the length of the other leg of the triangle?

A. 8

B. 10

C. 12

D. 16


Option A

4. Nine unique diagonals are drawn in a regular polygon. How many sides dies it have?

A. 8

B. 6

C. 7

D. 9


Option D

5. Lola Tetchi wishes to fence her agricultural land using only a 600-meter long material. If the land is quadrilateral in shape, what should be its dimensions in order to enclose the maximum area?

A. 270m x 30m

B. 250m x 50m

C. 200m x 100m

D. 150m x 150m


Option D


The correct answer is D. 150m x 150m.

Let the dimensions of the quadrilateral be x and y. Since the total length of the material is 600 meters, we have:

2x + 2y = 600

x + y = 300

y = 300 - x

The area of the quadrilateral is given by:

A = xy

Substituting y = 300 - x, we get:

A = x(300 - x)

A = 300x - x^2

This is a quadratic equation, which represents a parabola that opens downwards. Therefore, the maximum area occurs at the vertex of the parabola. The x-coordinate of the vertex is given by:

x = -b/2a

where a = -1 and b = 300.

Substituting the values, we get:

x = -300/(2*(-1))

x = 150

Therefore, the dimensions of the quadrilateral that encloses the maximum area are x = 150m and y = 300 - x = 150m. This means that the quadrilateral is a square with sides of 150 meters, and the maximum area that can be enclosed is 150m x 150m = 22,500 square meters.

Hence, the correct answer is option D, 150m x 150m.

6. Starting at the same point, Ronald walked 5 km to the north in 1 hour while France walked 12 km to the east in 1 hour. How far apart are they after 2 hours?

A. 26 km

B. 39 km

C. 15 km

D. 13 km


Option A

7. What is the simplest way to write the following expression?

A. 9x-y

B. 9x-3y

C. 9x+3y

D. 3x-y


Option A

8. Which among the following is NOT a perfect square trinomial?

A. x2+ 6x + 9

B. x2+8x + 16

C. 9x2+12x + 4

D. 49x2 + 70x + 36


Option D

9. What is the greatest common monomial factor of the expression: -13abc – 39bc + 2ab?

A. 13abc

B. 26b

C. -13b

D. 3b


Option C

10. If number x is subtracted from 27, the result is -5. What is number x?

A. 22

B. 25

C. 32

D. 35


Option C

11. In how many ways can 10 people be seated on a bench if only four seats are available?

A. 3 628 800

B. 5040 nPr =10P4

C. 720

D. 24


Option B

12. Mrs. Mesina found out that the mode of a class in the National Achievement Test is 87.0. What does this indicate?

A. 87.0 is exactly the middle score in the distribution.

B. 87.0 is the most frequent score in the distribution.

C. 87.0 is the arithmetic mean of all the scores.

D. 83.0 is one of the scores in the distribution.


Option B

13. What is the standard deviation?

A. 42.08

B. 42.08

C. 5.65

D. 4.22


Option C

14. While performing an experiment, Mico expresses his opinions and tries new ideas even at the risk of failure or criticism. What scientific trait is displayed in this situation?

A. Risk-taking

B. Absence of ambiguity

C. Diligence

D. Curiosity


Option A

15. Chona actively participates in a task and also dutifully performs tasks assigned to her. What scientific attitude is displayed in this situation?

A. Unity

B. Camaraderie

C. Team work

D. Responsibility


Option D

Beda wants to find out if different types of wood soak up the same amount of water when we wet. She plans to do the following:

I. Weigh a dry block of each type of wood.
II. Put each block into a container full of water.
III. Leave the wood in the water.
IV. Take the wood out, dry the outside of each block and reweigh.
V. Calculate the amount of the water soaked up.

16. In this experiment, what is the dependent variable?

A. Dry weight of each block

B. The amount of water soaked up

C. Type of wood used

D. Time left in the water


Option B

17. What is the independent variable?

A. Type of wood used

B. Dry weight of each block

C. Amount of water soaked up

D. Time left in the water


Option A

18. Printed on the label of a bottle of cough medicine are the following instructions “Store away from light, below 30 degrees C.” What can you infer about the cough medicine?

A. It is affected by heat and light.

B. It is in a dark, lightproof bottle.

C. It should be hidden away from children.

D. It should be stored in the refrigerator.


Option A

19. It is commonly observed that most respondents to survey questionnaire checklist just check answers without really reading them. What conclusion can be derived from the common observation?

A. Good survey questionnaires are not easy to make.

B. Respondents need to be convinced of the importance or research data.

C. Data gathered by way of questionnaire checklist are not very reliable.

D. Researchers resort to questionnaire checklists for data gathering because it is the easiest method.


Option C

Teacher M showed the class the potted plants placed on the window sill. She asked them to observe the direction of their growth. The pupils observed that the plants tended to grow outward. Then Teacher M asked the class this question: “Why do you think they tended to grow outward?”

20. What was the Teacher M engaging the pupils to do?

A. Observe

B. Design an experiment

C. Draw conclusion

D. Formulate hypothesis


Option D

21. You like to know how many of your pupils have mothers and/or mothers who are presently employed as OCWs. What is/are the most reliable way to gather data?
I. Interview the pupils.
II. Give questionnaires checklist to selected pupils.
III. Study the grades of the pupils because those performing poorly usually have parents who work as OCWs.

A. I, II and III

B. I only

C. II only

D. I and II


Option B

22. During periods of increased global temperatures, which of the following is most likely to occur?

A. A decrease in earthquakes

B. An decrease in atmospheric CO2

C. A increase in earthquakes

D. An increase in atmospheric CO2


Option D

23. Geothermal energy, an energy resource in the country, is based on which phenomenon?

A. Earth’s internal energy heats its surface more than the sun does.

B. Human activity is the largest source of heat energy on earth.

C. Heat energy from the sun penetrates deep into the earth.

D. There are concentrations of heat in some places of earth’s crust.


Option D

24. Why does the level of water in a beaker rise after a stone is placed in it?

A. The stone and the water occupy the same space.

B. The stones takes the place occupied by water.

C. The stone has more mass than water.

D. The water weighs less than the stone.


Option B

25. Boiling water was poured until it filled a pitcher and a cup. Which of the following is TRUE about the temperature of the water in the pitcher and in the cup?

A. The temperature of water in the pitcher is lower that the water in the cup.

B. The temperature of water in both containers are the same.

C. The temperature of water in the cup is higher than the water in the pitcher.

D. The temperature of water in the pitcher is lower that the water in the cup.


Option B

26. Why do people feel their ears pop or crack when they are up in the air?

A. Air is cooler.

B. There are less air particles.

C. Air is cleaner.

D. There are more air particles.


Option B

27. The manager of textile factory considers it too expensive to treat liquid wastes so he suggested digging a hole near the factory where the wastes can be stored. Is this environmentally safe?

A. Yes, the liquid can be recycled.

B. No, the liquid can be recycled.

C. Yes, the liquid will pass through the layers of soil and becomes clean.

D. No, the liquid wastes will seep to the groundwater.


Option D

28. Aspirin has been known to retard the blood-clotting process thus me to use aspirin to _____.

A. relieve pain

B. reduce the possibility of stroke

C. act as stimulant

D. stop bleeding


Option B

29. In the desire of governments to control population growth, which one is highly promoted?

A. The use of artificial birth control methods

B. The use of natural birth control methods.

C. The use of natural birth control methods.

D. Early marriage


Option A

30. How may the establishment of housing subdivisions to address housing problem contribute to decreased food production?

A. Arable lands are reduced for these are converted into housing subdivision.

B. Housing divisions become overcrowded

C. People who flocked to the center where subdivisions are located have no skills.

D. Men get occupied with construction and leave their farms untilled.


Option A

31. The use of plastic bags, disposable cups, plates, spoons, diapers, etc make life more convenient. However, as a result, what problem has/have come about?
I. Heaps of solid garbage
II. Floods
III. Epidemic

A. I and III

B. I and IV

C. II and III

D. II and III


Option B

32. The thinning down of the ozone layer is believed to cause __________.

A. baldness

B. skin cancer

C. heat stroke

D. ulcer


Option B

33. Endangered species are species which are threatened due to ___________.

A. mutation

B. domestication

C. habitat destruction

D. extinction of the species


Option C

34. One consequence of global warming is coastal flooding because of the ___ which is in turn caused by ____________.

A. La ni̱a phenomenon Рchanged precipitation pattern

B. El ni̱o phenomenon Рchanged precipitation pattern

C. Melting of the ice caps – the rising of the sea level

D. Rising of the sea level – the melting of the ice caps


Option D

35. The contributory factors to acid rain are the use of __________.

A. refrigerants

B. fossil fuels

C. nuclear energy

D. pesticides


Option B

36. In which destructive fishing method are fish driven out of the coral reef by pounding the coral reef with heavy rocks or stones?

A. Muro-ami fishing

B. Trawling

C. Cyanide fishing

D. Blast fishing


Option A

37. John experienced lack of growth hormone (GH) as a child. Now that John is an adult, it is likely that he ____________.

A. has cognitive and emotional problems as a result of his hormone deficiency

B. has normal adult body proportions, but an extremely short stature

C. is of normal height, but has child-like body proportions

D. has developed a physique similar to that typically seen in females


Option B

38. If our present government is a democracy, where does power reside?

A. In the Filipino People

B. In Congress

C. In the President

D. In the Supreme Court


Option A

39. The Philippine government is divided into three branches: executive, legislative and judiciary. Which among the following doctrines best describes the model of governance in the Philippines?

A. Tricameralism

B. Separation of powers

C. Emancipation of state

D. Division of labor


Option B

40. When an individual is imprisoned without proper investigation what right is violated?

A. Right to due process of law

B. Right to secure persons

C. Right to process paper

D. Right to protection


Option A

41. Which is TRUE of the historical development of the Philippines?

A. It has been never been an independent nation.

B. It has been an independent nation ever since.

C. It has evolved from a colony to a fully independent nation.

D. It has not achieved full independence from the very beginning.


Option C

42. Basically, the Philippine agrarian problem is a question of ________.

A. land distribution

B. nepotism and corruption

C. graft and corruption

D. environmental degradation


Option C

43. Which is TRUE of the Philippines?

A. It was colonized by Spain, Portugal, America, and Japan

B. It has been part of the world’s economy since the Spanish colonial rule.

C. It is one of the least populated countries in the world

D. It has two autonomous regions – ARMM and CAR


Option D

44. As a result of EDSA I, the Philippines _________.

A. became known worldwide for its People Power Revolution

B. changed its form of government to parliamentary

C. saw the impeachment of Joseph Estrada as president

D. Intensified its participation in international affairs.


Option A

45. Tomatoes are off-season and so price for tomatoes is up. Which law/principle in economics explains it?

A. Substitution effect

B. Law cause and effect

C. Principle of marginal utility

D. Law of supply and demand


Option A

46. Which one CORRECTLY applies to Philippine foreign trade?

A. Philippine expenditure exports and earning from imports fluctuate.

B. The Philippines spends less on imports than it earns from exports.

C. The Philippine expenditure on imports is balanced with its earnings form exports.

D. The Philippines spends more on imports than it earns from exports.


Option B

47. What is TRUE of a progressive system of taxation?

A. The rate of a tax increases as the income tax base or income bracket increases,

B. The tax is equal regardless of class and place.

C. The rate of tax increases as the income tax base increases.

D. The rate of tax increases as the income tax base decreases.


Option A

48. Which among the following BEST describes a recession?

A. A fall in real GNP over two consecutive time periods

B. An increase in real GNP from one period to the next

C. Nominal GNP declines from one period to the next

D. No change in real GNP form one period to the next


Option D

49. Which situation is the BEST example of a culture shock?

A. A natïve form New Zealand is of afraid of the big crowd in malls and along the roads during rush hours that he remarked “so many people!”

B. The Hippies rejected “The Establishment” in the 1960s and sported long hair.

C. The Canadians use forks while the Filipinos uses spoon and fork and sometimes their hands on eating.

D. The Aetas didn’t like sardines and preferred sweet potatoes.


Option A

50. Which does one portray when he thinks that what is foreign is best and that what is local is inferior?

A. Xenocentrism

B. Relativism

C. Ethnocentrism

D. Favoritism


Option A