Music 7 Quarter 2 Examination Reviewer Part 2

Music 7 Quarter 2 Examination Reviewer Part 2
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Music 7 Quarter 2 Examination Reviewer Part 2
Music 7 Quarter 2 Examination Reviewer Part 2

Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

1. The following are the provinces which influenced the style of music in Cordillera, EXCEPT.

A. Apayao

B. Batac

C. Ifugao

D. Kalinga


Option B

2. It is a stringed ensemble originate in Spain?

A. Rondalla

B. gongs

C. Gangsa

D. tongatong


Option A

3. Who is known as the father of Rondalla?

A. Juan Silos Jr.

B. Juan Carlos Jr.

C. Juan Silos

D. Juan Carlos


Option A

Juan Silos Jr. is recognized as the father of Rondalla in the Philippines. He was instrumental in popularizing and developing the Rondalla, which is an ensemble of stringed instruments commonly used in Filipino folk music.

4. What do you called that instrument in the rondalla that plays the bass part or the musical piece?

A. Bajo de arco

B. banduria

C. laud

D. octavina


Option A

5. Hudhud is an epic poetry which is recited and chanted only during four occasions in___.

A. Cordillera

B. Mindoro

C. Palawan

D. Visayas


Option A

6. Ambahan is a rhythmic poetic expression composed of ____ syllable lines.

A. 5

B. 6

C. 7

D. 8


Option C

7.What instrument used to accompany “Kulial” a lyrical poem which expresses passionate love?

A. Banduria

B. Kudyapi




Option B

8. Which one is the vocal music of Kalinga used as lullaby?

A. Badiw

B. Dagdagay

C. Kawayanna

D. Owiwi


Option D

Refer to Items 9-10


9. What is the function of this poem?

A. Devotion

B. Love

C. Work

D. Worship


Option B

10. What is the message of the poem?

A. Praise and worship

B. Show affection and devotion

C. Resentment and admiration

D. Forgiveness and acceptance


Option D

11. The gong that is struck by the palm while resting on lap is called___.

A. Binanog

B. Gangsa Palook

C. Gangsa Toppaya

D. Rondalla


Option C

12. Which of the following is an idiophone?

A. Kalutang

B. Kudyapi

C. Suling

D. Tongali


Option A

13. Why does the music of Mangyans in Mindoro face great challenge?

A. Lack of practice

B. Absence of oral chanters

C. Threat of industrialization

D. Influx of the other tribes’ group


Option C

14. How do Visayan vocal music functions?

A. Works

B. Rituals

C. Worship

D. Environment


Option B

15. How Iraya Mangyan utilized the ritualistic power song “marayaw”?

A. Casting bad spirits

B. Creating other dimension of life

C. Techniques of cursing someone

D. Healing sick through magical spell


Option D

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