Professional Education Practice Quiz| Volume 3 Part 5

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This is the Multiple Choice Questions in Professional Education part 1 as one coverage of Licensure Examinations for Teachers (LET). The exam is divided into two classifications. First is the elementary level exam which covers topics from General Education (GenEd) 40% and Professional Education (ProfEd) 60%. Secondly is the secondary level which covers GenEd 20%, ProfEd 40% and area of specialization 40%. I assume you are looking for a reviewer that will help you achieve your goal to become a professional License teacher very soon. Yes, you are in the right place to make your dream come true. Make sure to familiarize each and every questions to increase the chance of passing the Licensure Examinations for Teachers (LET).

PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION (Elementary and Secondary) Coverage

  • Teaching Profession, Social Dimensions of Education
  • Principles of Teaching, Educational Technology, Curriculum Development
  • Facilitating Learning, Child and Adolescent Development
  • Assessment of Student Learning, Developmental Reading
  • Field Study, Practice Teaching

Practice Exam Test Questions

Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.

1. Which statement is TRUE of society’s demand from professional teacher?

A. The professional teacher is concerned only with classroom teaching.

B. Effective teaching is the primary duty of the professional teacher.

C. Because the professional teacher is expected to be highly enlightened, he is expected to campaign for the good candidate during election time.

D. The professional teacher is not expected to lead in community affairs in order not to jeopardize her teaching.


Option B

2. I am a progressivist. For teaching in the effective domain, which will form part of my philosophy of education?

A. I will impose objective values to my students.

B. I will engage my classes in values clarification.

C. I will inculcate values in my values lessons.

D. I will not do any sort of value education considering pluralistic values.


Option B

3. What kind of research is appropriate to determine the effectiveness of instruction in Mathematics in a grades three, four, five, and grade six classes?

A. Sequential

B. Experiential

C. Longitudinal

D. Cross sectional


Option D

4. What is the philosophy behind Philippine schools that seek to promote democratic opportunities for all and humanistic educational through lifelong learning?

A. Perennialism

B. Progressivism

C. Classical education

D. Positivism


Option B

5. What is the process for Piaget done during our growing years, acquiring new experiences and ideas?

A. Assimilation

B. Progressivism

C. Classical education

D. Positivism


Option B

6. What material can be used when intended materials are not available?

A. Supplementary materials

B. Improvised materials

C. Audio-visual materials

D. Digital materials


Option B

7. Are school heads and superintendents required to obtain a professional teacher’s licenses?

A. No, since they do administrative functions only.

B. Yes, since they are classified as teachers.

C. No, since they are managers not teachers.

D. Yes, since they are also classroom teachers.


Option B

8. You are required to formulate your own philosophy of education in the course, The teaching profession. Based on bloom’s revised taxonomy, in which level of cognitive processing are you?

A. Analyzing

B. Applying

C. Evaluating

D. Creating


Option D

9. There will be harmony in society if the five basic relationship that make up society are lived correctly. This thought was espoused by ________.

A. Kung fu-tzu

B. Mohammad

C. Lao-tzu

D. Buddha


Option A

10. Rote learning in the teaching-learning process is best described as ________

A. automated

B. in-depth

C. discovery

D. motivated


Option A

11. What is the ultimate aim of classroom management?

A. To set up condition that brings about effective teaching and learning

B. To make children realize that they cannot do everything they want

C. To secure conformity to rules with ease

D. To remove the physical conditions in the room that distracts children’s attention


Option A

12. Which of the following can best encourage participation by learners on the issue of family conflicts?

A. Graphs and charts

B. Power point presentation

C. Role playing

D. Photos


Option C

13. An integrated teaching approach is far more effective than teaching isolated bits of information. What then should teacher avoid?

A. Summarizing lesson

B. Knowledge utilization

C. Teaching to the test

D. Use of problem solving method


Option C

14. Which of the following is one of the avenues for assisting learners to acquire the thinking competence for metacognition?

A. Assessment of study habits

B. Peer-learning

C. conformance with rules and regulations

D. practical application of ideas


Option A

15. Which of the following best implements research-based learning?

A. Information data gathering

B. Whole class lecture

C. Power-point instruction

D. Intensive seat work


Option A

16. William Garr said: “People who introduce themselves with the shame remark that they are “just teachers” gives me despair in my heart.” Based on this quote, how does William Garr want teachers to behave?

A. Give up teaching.

B. Compare teaching with the other profession.

C. Work for selective admission of candidates to the teaching

D. Look everyone squarely in the eye and say” I am a teacher”


Option D

17. Which one can enhance the comparability of grades?

A. Formulating tests that vary from one teacher to another

B. Using a common conversation table for translating test scores into rating

C. Individual teachers giving weights to factors considered for ratings

D. Allowing individual teachers to determine factors for ratings


Option B

18. Through what are vision-mission-goals of schools concretized in the day-to-day life in the school?

A. Instructional activities

B. Modes of assessment

C. Instructional materials

D. Support services


Option A

19. What kind of knowledge processing is involved when teacher Gary ask his students to reflect on themselves as self-learners?

A. Meta-cognition

B. Deduction

C. Observation

D. Induction


Option A

20. From what is the philosophy of education derived?

A. National education policies and goals

B. School spirit

C. Theories of teaching and learning

D. Comparative curriculum


Option A

21. At what level of Kohlberg’s stages of morality is Joy allowing a seatmate to copy so that she will appear to her as more intelligent?

A. Pre-conventional for mutual benefit

B. Conventional to obey the law

C. Pre-conventional out of fear of punishment

D. Conventional for social approval


Option A

22. Which of the following factors does not contribute to facilitating the growth of creative intelligence among student’s?

A. Integrating knowledge in a variety of fields

B. Peer sanction

C. Tolerance to new ideas

D. Spirit and adventures in the classroom


Option B

23. Using Sigmund Freud’s terminologies, how can drug addiction be explained?

A. Id experts too much power over the Ego

B. Id and Super-ego balances each other

C. Ego overcome the Id

D. The Super-ego blinds the Ego


Option A

24.The professional rule of teachers has changed from “the sage on the stage” to “guide from the side.” This implies that____________.

A. Teachers stress on their role as lecturer

B. Teachers must project an ”Almighty-Omniscient” image

C. Teachers must act more as facilitators of learning

D. Teachers must cling to their power to improve roles


Option C

25. Since Millennial Learners are immersed in cell phone, computers, Googling, etc. the use of ______ is critical for use by modern teachers.

A. Digital tools

B. Bulletin board displays

C. Media

D. Audiovisual


Option A

26. There are certain qualities that every professional teacher must possess. Identity these qualities in teachers who either possess or lack them: 

Teacher Aida is sincere and honest in words and deeds as she has____________

A. Buoyance

B. Reliability

C. Innovativeness

D. Intelligence


Option B

27. Miss Jose feels offended by her supervisor’s unfavorable comments after a classroom supervision. Miss Jose concludes that her supervisor does not like her. Which Filipino trait demonstrated by Miss Jose?

A. “Kanya-Kanya” syndrome

B. Extreme personalism

C. Extreme family-centeredness

D. Superficial religiosity


Option B

28. Especially in research, which activities lead to discoveries and insights on issues and concerns?

A. Interactive

B. Interdisciplinary

C. Integrative

D. Innovative


Option D

29. The teacher as a catalyst in learning in mainly doing the work of_____________.

A. Elucidating

B. Facilitating

C. Presenting

D. Assessing


Option B

30. Among important characteristics for successful teaching, which connotes physical vigor, energy, perseverance, ambition, industry, endurance, motivation, purposefulness, speediness, zealousness and quickness?

A. Emotional stability

B. Reliability

C. Drive

D. Refinement


Option C

31. For effective classroom management which one should be avoided?

A. Use classroom regulation to stablish classroom routine

B. Make as many regulations as you can

C. Stick to classroom regulation consistently

D. Involve students in the formulation of classroom regulation


Option B

32. Of the following, which is the most effective for influencing human emotion for retention and discovery of learning?

A. Drills to augment retention.

B. Use of inspirational tool (book, film, art, etc.)

C. Telling of jokes on teaching.

D. Emotional delivery of lessons.


Option B

33. What kind of assessment is a post-test?

A. Process assessment

B. Outcome assessment

C. Diagnostic assessment

D. Self-assessment


Option B

34. How can the teacher best nurture and inspire learner participation?

A. Well practiced routines and drills

B. Strictly observed classroom management

C. Interactive instructional strategies

D. Effective assessment tools


Option C

35. Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development is the________ between what the child can learn on his/her own and what is accomplished with the help of others.

A. Divisor

B. Multiplier

C. Difference

D. Equivalent


Option C

36. On cognitive development, what can 0-to-6 months old infant be capable of doing?

A. Say meaningful words

B. Speak single words

C. Use animal sounds

D. Giggle, coo and babble


Option D

37. Which of the following planned routine activity can Teacher Nikki effectively apply in order to enrich her literature lesson on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet?

A. Posting Facebook Page

B. Going on a field trip

C. Writing essay

D. Viewing a related film


Option D

38. Which is the highest level of generalization?

A. Relationships shown among concepts

B. An identification or classification

C. A description or definition

D. An explanation, a justification and interpretation


Option D

39. Which teaching methodology statement should I formulate if I cling to the progressivist philosophy of education?

A. I will make student learn by listening; less student talk, more teacher talk

B. I will make students learn by listening; less teacher talk, more student talk

C. Teaching-learning takes place only in the classroom

D. Teaching-learning is best with the full use of the chalkboard


Option B

40. Upon which philosophy is a teacher practice when he takes into consideration the three (3) learning types (auditory, visual and kinesthetic learner) of students?

A. Maturation

B. Essentialism

C. Progressivism

D. Naturalism


Option C

41. Every person strives to satisfy physical needs. He/she progressed maternally when he/she increases his/her capacity to meet those needs and lines in material comfort but in addition, he also seeks to win what does this point about the human person? 

                  I.            Psychological growth and spiritual program begin only when a person rises above the mere effort to satisfy physical and social needs.

               II.            There is more to life than mere satisfaction of material needs.

            III.            One must belong to a church for fulfillment in life.

A. I, II,    and III 

B. I and II 

C. I only

D. I and III


Option B

42. A quote from Erik Erikson: “Healthy children will not fear life is their elders have integrity enough not to fear death.” How did Dr. Jose Rizal best showed he did not fear death?

A. His attempt tp travel to Cuba as a volunteer doctor

B. His Ultimo Adios and “morir est descanzar” (to die is to rest)

C. His work as a propagandist in a foreign land

D. His marriage to Josephine Bracken in his death cell


Option C

43. Without abandoning other duties of the teacher, Teacher Ela considers herself mainly as a facilitator by which her students become curious and discovers ideas on their own. This is idea for a ______ class.

A. activity- centered

B. student- centered

C. lesson- centered

D. teacher-centered


Option B

44. To obtain well- thought out answer, which questioning behavior helps?

A. Asking open-ended questions

B. Involving as many as possible

C. Asking non-directed question

D. Allowing sufficient time


Option D

45. When philosophy started, man thought logically inside his mind forgetting external physical reality, such that he believed “No one can step beside a river twice.” What stage of reasoning is this?

A. Metaphysical reasoning

B. Inductive reasoning

C. Deducting reasoning

D. Positivistic reasoning


Option A

46. In the outcomes-based instruction, the key point is the student’s________.

A. Assess his/her own learning

B. Master lesson or unit content

C. ability to pass written and performance test

D. ability to demonstrate learning


Option D

47. An informal assessment done during class is________.

A. Test and quiz

B. KWL technique

C. pre-test

D. Observation


Option A

48. The concept of globalization came about in recent years because the world has become borderless primarily due to________________.

A. Use of English as a medium of teaching

B. Teacher exchange programs

C. Advances in technology

D. ASEAN integration


Option C

49. You have to remember the steps in opening a computer if you want to do it on your own. In what level of assessment is remembering the steps?

A. Comprehension

B. Knowledge utilization

C. Analysis

D. Retrieval


Option D

50. Senior high school students from private schools are supported by the government when they go to private schools by way of________________.

A. Scholarship grant

B. Free tuition fees

C. Low tuition fees

D. Voucher system


Option D

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