This is the Multiple Choice Questions in Professional Education part 1 as one coverage of Licensure Examinations for Teachers (LET). The exam is divided into two classifications. First is the elementary level exam which covers topics from General Education (GenEd) 40% and Professional Education (ProfEd) 60%. Secondly is the secondary level which covers GenEd 20%, ProfEd 40% and area of specialization 40%. I assume you are looking for a reviewer that will help you achieve your goal to become a professional License teacher very soon. Yes, you are in the right place to make your dream come true. Make sure to familiarize each and every questions to increase the chance of passing the Licensure Examinations for Teachers (LET).
PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION (Elementary and Secondary) Coverage
- Teaching Profession, Social Dimensions of Education
- Principles of Teaching, Educational Technology, Curriculum Development
- Facilitating Learning, Child and Adolescent Development
- Assessment of Student Learning, Developmental Reading
- Field Study, Practice Teaching
Practice Exam Test Questions
Choose the letter of the best answer in each questions.
1. Pictures, models and the like arouse student‘s interest on the day's topic, in what part of the lesson should the given materials be presented?
A. Initiating activities
B. Culminating activities
C. Evaluation activities
D. Developmental activities
Option A
2. Marie wants to make a presentation material wherein more additional transparent sheets with information can be placed over a base transparency. Which one should she make?
A. Cut-out
B. Puppet
C. Silhouette
D. Overlay
Option D
3. In Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives, the domains are stated from lowest to highest level. Which of the following objectives belongs to the lowest level?
A. To identify the characters of the story.
B. To differentiate active from passive voice.
C. To give the available resources that could be recycled to useful things.
D. To explain the procedure in changing improper fraction to mixed number
Option A
4. The class of IV - Kalikasan is tasked to analyze the present population of the different cities and municipalities of the National Capital Region for the last five years. How can they best present their analysis?
A. By means of a table
B. By looking for a pattern
C. By means of a graph
D. By guessing and checking
Option C
5. Which one is used with 2d and 3d materials?
A. Opaque projector
B. Overhead projector
C. Digital projector
D. Slide projector
Option A
6. There are several reasons why problem-solving is taught in Math. Which is the LEAST important?
A. It is the main goal for the study of Math
B. It provides the content in which concepts and skills are learned and applied
C. It provides an opportunity to develop critical and analytical thinking
D. It provides pupils an opportunity to relate Math in the real world
Option A
7. Teacher D teaches in a remote high school where newspapers are delivered irregularly. Knowing the importance of keeping the students aware of current affairs, what is probably the best way to keep the students updated?
A. Gather back issues of newspapers and let pupils compile them.
B. Urge the pupils to listen to stories circulating in the community.
C. Encourage the pupils to listen to daily broadcast from a transistor radio.
D. The teacher should try all available means to get the newspaper delivered to the school
Option C
8. Devices can make a lecture more understandable and meaningful. What is the most important thing a teacher should consider in the selection and utilization of instructional materials?
A. Objectives of the lesson
B. Availability of instructional materials
C. Attractiveness of instructional materials
D. Degree of interest on the part of the students
Option A
9. After watching the film, ―Muro Ami‘, the students of Mrs. Tamaray are expected to show a demonstrative proof of what they have learned. How is the technology used in this situation?
A. Entertainment
B. Informational
C. Instructional
D. Entertainment and informational
Option C
10. Teacher E asks student A to identify and analyze events, ideas or objects in order to state their similarities and differences. In which part of the lesson does said activity take place?
A. Preparation
B. Generalization
C. Application
D. Comparison and Abstraction
Option D
11. Self-made charts and illustrations serve as universal aid for bringing fascinating and exciting experiences in the classroom. To tap the optimum potentials of these materials, which of the following should be avoided?
A. Giving due consideration to lettering.
B. Presenting materials with accurate facts.
C. Giving more importance to austerity over legibility.
D. Focusing on the main idea of the lesson presented.
Option C
12. Which part of the lesson is involved in the giving of situation or activities based on the concepts learned?
A. Preparation
B. Generalization
C. Application
D. Comparison and Abstraction
Option C
13. Teacher F wants the class to find out the effect of heat on matter. Which method will help him accomplish his objective?
A. Project Method
B. Laboratory Method
C. Problem Method
D. Expository Method
Option B
14. In Math, Teacher G presents various examples of plane figures to her class. Afterwards, she asks the students to give definition of each. What method did she use?
A. Inductive
B. Laboratory
C. Deductive
D. Expository
Option A
15. Amyl used overhead transparencies when she presented her assigned topic to class. What type of educational technology are transparencies?
A. Printed material
B. Projected material
C. Graphic material
D. Non-projected material
Option B
16. Teaching Tinikling to I-Maliksi becomes possible through the use of?
A. Inductive Method
B. Expository Method
C. Demonstration Method
D. Laboratory Method
Option C
17. Which instructional material/s is/are MOST fit in contextualized learning?
B. Slides
C. Pictures
D. Field trip
Option D
18. What is the implication of using a method that focuses on the why rather than the how?
A. There is best method
B. Typical one will be good for any subject
C. These methods should be standardized for different subjects.
D. Teaching methods should favor inquiry and problem solving.
Option D
19. Ms. Villanueva wants to teach the students the performance of a certain skill such as dancing. Which technology would be the most appropriate and convenient to use?
A. Film
B. Video
C. Elevision
D. Rinted material
Option B
20. When using problem solving method, the teacher can
A. Set up the problem
B. Test the conclusion
C. Propose ways of obtaining the needed data
D. Help the learners define what is it to be solved
Option D
21. Which of the following characterizes a well-motivated lesson?
A. The class is quiet.
B. The children have something to do.
C. The teacher can leave the pupils
D. There are varied procedures and activities undertaken by the pupils.
Option D
22. Slides are miniature transparencies. They can be created with simple cameras and simple equipment. They display color in a realistic manner. However, they also have some limitations. Which one is it?
A. They can be easily updated and revised.
B. They can be adapted to group or to individual use
C. They can get out of sequence if handled individually.
D. They can be combined with taped narration for greater effectiveness.
Option C
23. Learners must be developed not only in the cognitive, psychomotor but also in the affective aspect. Why is development of the latter also important?
A. It helps them develop a sound value system.
B. Their actions are dominated by their feelings.
C. It helps them develop an adequate knowledge of good actions.
D. Awareness of the consequences of their action is sharpened.
Option A
24. Which of the following attributes characterizes a learner who is yet to develop the concept?
A. The learner can identify the attributes of the concept.
B. The learner can summarize the ideas shared about the concept.
C. The learner can distinguish examples from non-examples.
D. The learner gets a failing grade in the tests given after the concept has been discussed.
Option A
25. The strategy which makes use of the old concept of "each-one-teach-one" of the sixty's is similar to?
A. Peer learning
B. Independent learning
C. Partner learning
D. Cooperative learning
Option D
26. Which part of the lesson does the learner give a synthesis of the things learned?
A. Motivation
B. Application
C. Evaluation
D. Generalization
Option C
27. Mrs. Santos used a film clip in teaching science concepts to her Grade Six class. However, she found out that it was inefficiently used in the classroom. When the technology is considered inefficient?
A. When it makes viewing more interesting.
B. When it increases the time to master the lesson.
C. When it helps attain the objectives of the lesson.
D. When it enhances understanding of new lesson.
Option B
28. Educational objectives are arranged from simple to complex. Why is this?
A. Each level is built upon and assumes acquisition of skills from the previous level.
B. Objectives are broad and value-laden statements that lead to the philosophy of education.
C. Be idealistic and ambitious to begin with grandiose scheme for using taxonomy in all levels.
D. These are guidelines to be taught and learned where teachers and students evaluate learning.
Option A
29. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Lesson plan should be in constant state of revision.
B. A good daily lesson plan ensures a better discussion.
C. Students should never see a teacher using a lesson plan.
D. All teachers regardless of their experience should have daily lesson plan.
Option C
30. In Music, Teacher 1 wants to teach the class how to play the piano in the Key of C. Which of the following should be his objective?
A. To play the piano in the key of C chords
B. To improve playing the piano in the key of C
C. To interpret property of chords of Key of C in the piano
D. To exhibit excellent playing of piano in the key of C
Option A
31. When using instructional material, what should the teacher primarily consider?
A. The material must be new and skillfully made.
B. It must be suited to the lesson objective.
C. The material must stimulate and maintain students' interest
D. It must be updated and relevant to Filipino setting.
Option B
32. Prof. Manhattan‘s lesson in EPP is about ―Pagtatanim ng halaman‖ to her students. How can she make her lesson more interesting and meaningful?
A. Have a viewing activity about the lesson.
B. Have them read their EPP book.
C. Give them a collaborative work.
D. Let them listen to a gardener.
Option C
33. Which is NOT a provision for the development of each learner in a good curriculum?
A. Extensive arrangements are made for the educational diagnosis of individual learners.
B. Self-directed, independent study is encouraged wherever possible and advisable.
C. Self-motivation and self-evaluation are stimulated and emphasized throughout the learning opportunities of the school.
D. The program provides a wide range of opportunities for individuals with same abilities, needs and interests.
Option D
34. Teacher Lily would like to take part in developing a subject-centered curriculum because she believes that all subjects in this type of curriculum are geared towards the holistic development of the learner. Is her belief about the subject-centered curriculum true?
A. Yes, because the subject-centered curriculum focuses on the learners needs, interests and abilities.
B. No, because it is the experience-centered curriculum that emphasizes the teaching of facts and knowledge for future use.
C. Yes, because the subject-centered curriculum involves cooperative control.
D. No, because it is the experience centered and not the subject-centered curriculum that emphasizes integration of habits and skills in learning the knowledge component of subject areas.
Option D
35. In the elementary level, English literature and Social studies relate well. While history is being studied, different literary pieces during the historical period is being studied as well. What curriculum design is shown here?
A. Separate subject design
B. Correlation design
C. Discipline design
D. Broad field design
Option C
36. This phase of curriculum development involves decisions, among other things, on grade placement and sequencing of content. Which phase is this?
A. Curriculum planning
B. Curriculum evaluation
C. Curriculum organization
D. Curriculum implementation
Option C
37. One example of this design of subject-centered curriculum is that which shows social studies being combined with geography, civics, culture and history to comprise subject area. Which design is this?
A. Correlated
B. Broadfields
C. Separate Subject
D. Core
Option B
38. Ms. Ortiz, as Science teacher tries to enrich the content of her lesson by identifying related concepts in Math. What pattern of organizing subjects did Ms. Ortiz consider?
A. Broadfield
B. Correlated
C. Core
D. Separate Subject
Option B
39. Prof. Delos Santos would like her students to give more accurate observations about plants in the environment. Which technique would help her attain her objective?
A. Bring them to the garden.
B. Bring actual plants to class.
C. Show colorful pictures to the class.
D. Let the class read books about the topic.
Option A
40. Which design is easy to deliver because complementary books and materials are commercially available?
A. Experience centered design
B. Problem design
C. Process design
D. Subject centered design
Option D
41. What refers to the matching between curriculum and test to be used to assess the learners?
A. Alignment
B. Auditing
C. Articulation
D. Delivery
Option A
42. Ms. Mateo, a History teacher considers the element of time in arranging content of her lessons in World History. What way of establishing sequence is given emphasis by Ms. Mateo?
A. Simple to complex
B. Part to whole
C. Concrete to abstract
D. Chronological
Option D
43. Which of the following should be avoided in presenting visuals?
A. Show visuals with an element of suspense.
B. Shut off the overhead projector when explaining
C. lengthily shutting off the overhead
D. Present all the materials simultaneously to hold the learners‘ interest.
Option C
44. Mr. Rivera, a new teacher believes that education is a process of development and is life itself; therefore, experience related to the child's need and interest should be given primary consideration. What educational philosophy is being exhibited by Mr. Rivera?
A. Idealism
B. Reconstructionism
C. Progressivism
D. Realism
Option C
45. A stakeholder in curriculum development, Mr. Cruz, a district supervisor and a member of the school board has one of the following primary roles.
A. Support and participate in parent-school organization activities.
B. Authorize school expenditures for curriculum development, implementation and evaluation
C. Enact legislation to effect curriculum improvement.
D. Recommend changes in curriculum.
Option D
46. After listing down the advantages and disadvantages of computers, Mrs. Muñoz decided to purchase a computer for her class. Which do you think is the last consideration in purchasing the equipment?
A. Computers can make her more efficient.
B. Computers can be a form of entertainment.
C. Computers can enhance teaching and learning.
D. Computers can be used for interactive presentations.
Option B
47. The schools in the first District plan to adopt the reading program used in the third district. What level of curriculum improvement is used?
A. Variation
B. Value orientation
C. Substitution
D. Restructuring
Option C
48. Mr. Bernardo, a curriculum consultant on Economics insists that in selecting the curriculum content, it is better that throughout the high school years, economic geography concepts be used to recur and be repeated with depth for effective learning. What criterion in content selection is shown here?
A. Validity
B. Continuity
C. Significance
D. Learnability
Option B
49. The Filipino learners envisioned by the Department of Education (DepEd) in the light of K- 12 Curriculum is
A. Technologically literate or logistically developed Filipino
B. Functionally literate or logistically developed Filipino
C. Scientifically Advanced and Values Oriented Filipino
D. National Oriented and Internationally Competitive Filipinos
Option B
50. Teacher Dominguito believes that a new respect for the child is fundamental in curriculum. Thus, all activities in the classroom are geared towards the development of the child - the center of the educative process. To which approach in curriculum does Teacher Dominguito adhere?
A. Learner-centered
B. Subject-centered
C. Problem-centered
D. Pragmatic
Option A